
Solo trip to New Zealand

Hello from New Zealand, I'm writing this one in English so that my friends in “Kiwiland”, NZ (New Zealand), can also read these posts. Last fall, I decided to go for a solo trip somewhere far away and ended up in New Zealand because my mom's host sister lives here. I have been in the US for a couple of months kinda "alone", but I had a host family, so this is the first time being "alone alone" on a trip. This is a so-called "working holiday", so I'm backpacking and working at the same time Next I'm going to tell you a bit about what has already happened. So my trip started from Helsinki where I flew to Dallas (11 hours flight), and from Texas I continued to Auckland (14 hours flight, ughh). My first day, Saturday, was amazing because I met this girl Abby who I became friends with. We were at the same hostel and decided to go for a Mexican dinner together. The next day (Sunday) we went to explore nearby Mission Beach. I really enjoyed our ti

Onko unelmillasi suunta?

Hyvää uutta vuotta kaikille,  Ajattelin tässä blogissa kirjoittaa unelmista ja niiden tavoittelemisesta. Valitsin tän aiheen, koska oon äskettäin alkanut pohtimaan minkälaisia unelmia voisin asettaa voimistelu-uran jälkeen. Pikkutytöstä saakka unelmani ovat liittyneet vain ja ainoastaan voimistelussa menestymiseen. Nyt voisin asettaa aivan uusia ja erilaisia unelmia, joilla ei olisi mitään tekemistä ns. menestymisen kanssa. Esimerkiksi olen haaveillut kirjan kirjoittamisesta, vaikka tiedän etten ole mikään kirjailija. Se on tietenkin tosi iso työ, johon kuluu vuosia, mutta olen valmis ottamaan haasteen vastaan. Pienenä kirjoitin lyhyitä tarinoita mun pieneen vihkoon ja tietysti päiväkirjaa (ja tätä blogia). Aihe tälle kirjalle on vielä salaisuus (heh), mutta se kumpuaa mun vauhdikkaasta mielikuvituksesta ja yhdistelee faktaa ja fiktiota.   Kaikilla meillä on unelmia tai ainakin monella. Ne on ihania ja haluan kannustaa pitämään niistä kiinni. Ne voi olla ihan mitä vaan, pientä tai suur

MG Elite part 2

Moi  That means "hi" in Finnish. This is my last post before the new year. I am now back home in Finland. I am really happy to see my friends and my family. I missed them a lot! Our group (Ariel is missing) Last month in the USA was not easy, though I do love everything about MG Elite. The biggest challenge for me was that I was so tired all the time. One reason is the English language. It was extremely tiring to push myself every day to understand and speak a foreign language. In the evening I felt that my brain was boiling... :D In the evenings I was ready to go to bed already after dinner, before 8pm. But every week was a little bit easier.  Some other reason is that the training at MG Elite is physically so much harder than at home. There we practiced 33 hours per week while in Finland we only have 25h per week. This means that my weekly practice hours were 30% more than before! Our group is very small so Maggie has lots of time for everyone. She is a very inte

MG Elite

Hi from New Jersey Vicky with our group After a week in Minneapolis, we flew to New Jersey. My third and final trial in the US was at MG Elite.  Honestly, I was the most nervous before the first practice at MG Elite, because I was most excited about it. I went to the gym for the first time on Monday, October 1st. I was supposed to try for a week and then decide which club of these three (Texas Dreams, Twin City Twisters, MG Elite) I would stay until mid-December. It was actually Maggie's suggestion to try out these three different clubs before making the decision.  After my first practice at MG Elite, I said to my mom that I wanted to stay here. I was really confident in my decision :) MG Elite is not a big club and they don't have a big gym either. There are not many girls, but all of them are amazing. Maggie has just five girls on her team and our other coach Victoria Levine (Vicky) has her own group. We have practice usually from 8:30 am till 1 pm and second prac

Twin City Twisters, Minnesota

Hello from Minnesota My week at Twin City Twisters has come to an end! On Sunday after a week in Texas, we flew to Minneapolis, Minnesota. On Monday I started training at Twin City Twisters.  The vibe and the feeling at the gym were so warm and welcoming! Twin City Twisters gym was definitely smaller than in Texas. Despite that, the gym was really busy all the time. The training schedule was also different than in Texas. In TCT we trained from Monday till Friday from 1.30pm till 5.30pm. So just 4 hours a day plus morning practice twice a week. On Saturdays practice was from 7am till 12pm. This added up to 29h per week which is almost the same as my normal week in Finland. All the girls from Level 9 to Elite were training at that time and the gym was dedicated only for them. Small children and recreational were training in a separate section at the gym (the gym is divided with a wall into two sections). I was really happy that I was able to train with Elite  very day and learn

Texas Dreams, part 1

Hey you all Greetings from Texas! I have dreamed of training in the US. Already in 2016 before my injuries, I was supposed to go to Texas. Unfortunately I started to grow and the chain of all my injuries started... :(  So I am super happy to say that I am finally here. Coming to the US is also the reason why I am writing in English - so that my new friends in the US could read these posts too. I am going to try out three very different gymnastics clubs. First I am going to be here in Texas for a week training at a gymnastics club called Texas Dreams. It's a very good and successful club with world-class coaches and gymnasts. I will be staying with our friends, at family Davis. We know them from the time they used to live in Finland and their daughter Steffi was in the same gymnastics group with me. I am extremely excited to be here, finally. I have never been to Texas before, so many things are new :)  Monday 09/17/2018 was my first day at the gym. First of all, I